Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Salem Days 5K!!!!

We did it!We ran the 5K this year. I was so glad that Nick ran it with me. How romantic! A few days before, my knee started really bothering me when I ran and Nick pulled his calf. So the night before we were kindof nervous. But it was great and I felt great the whole time. Nicks leg didn't start bugging him until the very end. We were at a good pace through it all and on the home stretch, I asked Nick, "Can you go faster?" Nick says "no my calf is hurting" Now I should have been the compassionate wife that I am and stayed right in stride with my partner, but this was the home stretch!!!! So I ditched him and went full force ahead. He didn't like that too well. We did good though. I beat my time from last time I ran. This year I ran it in 29 minutes 49 seconds. We were hoping to make it under 30 minutes. Nick made it in 29 minutes 57 seconds. So we made our goal!, ...barely!!! Nick placed  6th in his division and I placed 7th in my division. So all in all, I ditched Nick for a 8 second better time.(I am a jerk I know..) But the race was awesome. I always feel so good after one and anyone who is game for next year let me know!!!!


I am a mother! said...

Wow! You guys where fast. I hope if I do it next year I can be as fast as you!

The Allred's said...

Cute Ash! I finally got a little blog, I hope I'm not in trouble for putting your pics on it, but I sure do get a lot of comments on them, people wondering who did my pictures :)

Destiny Hansen said...

Wow! You are crazy! Thats okay cause I am lazy. I hate running! I only like exercising when I dont know Im doing it(like dancing) Running is for skinny people!Lol
That should be a bumper sticker.