Monday, September 1, 2008

Carsen's first day of school

3rd grade!!! What!? My little boy is in the 3rd grade!? He is getting too grown up..CRAZY!! I remember when I was in 3rd grade. So this means he is not in the 'two young to remember' stages of his life anymore. Crazy!! So this also means I could seriously scar him for life by something I say or do. Crazy!!! So this means he is getting old enough for times tables and thinking girls are cute! CRAZY!!! I need to stop thinking about this it is making me feel so old!!

1 comment:

Daun said...

I'm right there with you. I need to be a better mom too. I am worried that Sydnie will always remember me being so onry. She is way boy crazy already. And they are starting out learning the 7 times tables! I can't believe our kids are that big-he's handsome! Take Care.