So as some of you may know My sweet little drew has had problems pooping ever since he was a small baby. ( Yes he is going to KILL me when he gets older that I am sharing this story with the world) Anyways,.. since a baby we would always have to help him go. And it was always so painful for him. When potty training time came, he learned the peeing part but was terrified to go poop in the potty. This is a pooping story as you may have figured out by now.... WARNING!
We have struggled. I have watched his diet and have been pretty good to restrict certain things. Bananas are a NO. hehe! So Yes, we have struggled. He always has had the hardest time. I have called the doctors office and asked what to do and they tell me give him Miralax. So that is what I did and most times it seems to help. Notice I say HELP and not worked completely. But these past few weeks, he has really been SUPER backed up. So much so that I dont even really remember the last time he went. Bad isnt it? Im talking WEEKS! so I knew he was miserable. I would lay awake at night and worry thinking he was going to get toxic, or something else. I would try and try to help him with no luck and it would leave Drew so upset and terrified. We ahve tried, miralax, mineral oil, prune juice, disimapaction, enemas you name it... Finally On Saturday night he woke up in a bad pain. SCREAMING saying his belly hurt. I told him we needed to try to poop and he cried harder in fear that it would hurt. On Sunday He stopped eating and was so uncomfortable. I KNEW something more was going on than what Miralax could fix. He would go but it was only a little bit and he could not feel it come out. ( Is this too much graphic info??) So sunday night we struggled again and after trying to help him, and Drew begging to stop trying to push, I knew I was demanding to see someone the next day.
So Monday morning came and I called the doctor. They was able to fit me in at 1:30. The doctor was so kind and after looking and feeling his big bulging belly he told us to take him right into the hospital! He had severe constipation. I was so scared. They needed to get him cleaned out PRONTO!
After arriving at the hospital, they gave him a soap suds enema. nothing. He was so sad and scared. He has been holding it it for so long being scared that every time he pooped it would hurt. So he held in the water fearing that if he let it come out it would hurt him so much. this is him right when we arrived at the hospital. And this makes his belly look alot smaller that what it was too. Oh he was so miserable!!
By this point it was about 3 p.m. and the enema was not working. So they decided to put a tube down his nose and throat to give him a contant dose of "go lightly" to help flush him out. This was tramatic!! we had to hold him down as he screamed in panic and my heart broke! But we got it and he was so sad as he coughed and choked. They paniced and got an x-ray just to make sure the tube was in his belly. And luckily it was. So they started the medicine. HOURS later he still had not gone much. As his belly ballooned up bigger and bigger. The nurses were getting a little alarmed at this point. We even went on lots of walks around the hospital to try to get things moving. I felt like I was coaching and waiting for a baby arrival or something!! haha!!
Just before they were going to get another x- ray to see what was going on ( at about midnight) Drew was able to go. As I cleaned him up I asked him if he wanted to get him in the bath. The warm water might help relax him. And it did. At about 2 a.m. in the tub he passed the mother of all poops!! I compare it to one of those huge dill pickles you get at the movies. You know the ones! Well it was that and like 4 of them!! about 4 cups worth! Is this too much info??? haha! So I'm thinking,. "AWESOME!!!" He was passed the blockage and now he will be able to feel relief and get the rest out. And he did. For a few more hours it was constant clean up and I was happy to do it. My baby was getting better. He was exhausted. But every 45 minutes to an hour I had him go and cleaned him up. At about 4 am. I got him up to the potty to try again and, if I got the mother of all poops last time, I got the father of all poops this time! He passed another huge amount that was just as much as the first, if not more!! How in the world did this little boy hold all of this in his tiny little body!! It was so sad to hear him keep asking to go home. I told him I would take him home after we got all of his poop out of his body. So everytime he pooped he looked at me with tears in his eyes and says, "Now can we go home mommy, I pooped." melt. my. heart.
Here is Drew staying hydrated on Popsicles. He loved them. I think he ate like 6!
So after that passing the last big load,...he zonked out! He was so tired and finally felt so much relief. I felt bad waking him every hour to clean him. And I felt extremely bad when we had to wake him to draw blood. His little veins were so hard to get because he was dehydrated now! They had to stick him 5 times! He cried and cried. He looked at me like,. " Why are you letting them do this to me!' I held him tight and wanted to cry with him! At one time he told the nurse "Dont hurt me ok?" so sad!! The nurses have him a cute little quilt too. He loved it!
Through the night and into the morning more kept comming. By 8 am the doctor came by and said to keep flushing him out for two more hours then we should be good to go. By noon it was still comming so we stayed until 3 just to make sure he was completly cleaned out. He was still passing chunks at 1 in the afternoon!! sheesh!!!
After we knew we could go home, we told him and Drew came alive!! He was so happy! He was being so silly and jumping and running all around. Oh my sweet Drew. He probably felt 20 pounds lighter! This was him after we told him we could go home.
He even got a balloon from a girl across the hall that felt so bad for him through the night hearing him cry.
And he was so happy to get the tube taken out too. :)
Now we have our little Drew back. He is so happy and feels soo much better. We are going to stay on top of this and try to re-train him to know that pooping does not always hurt and we go EVERYday. Eating lots of fiber and staying clear of high fat foods, cheeses and bananas.
I love this kid more than life itself! It makes my heart to happy so see him happy!
And today as for me I am still trying to recoopeate from a night of no sleep and poop duty but you know what?? It was all worth it in the end. Now I have my sweet non-miserable boy back that says to me ... " HEY! It DOESNT hurt to poop!" ( with a big smile on his face)
I HUGE thank you to everyone that was been so willing to help us and has helped us so much through this. Thanks Stacy for the dinner!! We have the BEST friends and family!!! xoxo
so this story has a HAPPY ending after all...
You love this kid after reading this don't you? I know you do!!
I know I do! Love you DREW! Can't believe what a change that made in his personality he is a new boy! What a little sweetie! Probs to you Ash for being such an AMAZING "Poop Doula" :)
Oh Ash!! I'm so sorry you and Drew had to go thru that! This made me cry!
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