Saturday, March 1, 2008

Nick and the boys

I just love this pic of my hubby and the babies!


Ali said...

Nothing Sweeter!

Haskell Fam said...

Didn't that make you want to snuggle right up there with them? Hey I just wanted to thank you for coming over the other day and giving me photoshop lessons and guitar hopefuls! I can't wait to start taking lessons! Also thanks so much for being my photographer and the amazing job you always do! and I was wondering if you could post your bread recipe for that weirdo bread that you have to smash around and stuff? Sawyer's lip..Ouch! Carsen is such a stud I can't believe that he is doing that rocker thing with his hands that is so funny! Well talk to you soon I have more photo q's! I know you love me!